
image of Claudia SanSoucie performing at the Jazz House in Copenhagen, Denmark

From busk­ing on the streets of her native Ger­many to per­form­ing through­out the Mid-Atlantic in the US, Clau­dia San­Soucie has always loved music and per­for­mance. Fre­quent returns to Europe even­tu­al­ly lead her in 2007 to the Com­plete Vocal Tech­nique (CVT) teach­ing of Cathrine Sadolin, the founder of the Com­plete Vocal Insti­tute in Den­mark, which had been grow­ing in rep­u­ta­tion as the lead­ing vocal school in Europe.

Catherin Sadolin the founder of Complete Vocal Institute officiating the graduation ceremony and sharing my proud moment.

Cathrine Sadolin (founder of CVI) and I after receiv­ing my CVT diploma.

After sev­er­al years of CVT study, Clau­dia San­Soucie became an autho­rized CVT teacher with the dis­tinc­tion of being the first autho­rized CVT teacher in the Unit­ed States.

Even though CVT is still rel­a­tive­ly unknown in the States, inter­est in CVT is grow­ing due to its pop­u­lar­i­ty in Europe as a com­pre­hen­sive, inno­v­a­tive, and effec­tive technique.

Clau­dia San­Soucie is excit­ed to apply and share this teach­ing method with her stu­dents. Her approach is effi­cient, based on years of research and sci­ence, non-judg­men­tal and inclu­sive of all vocal styles to help singers reach their tech­ni­cal and artis­tic goals.

Clau­dia is an award-win­ning singer-song­writer and an active per­former as part of the con­tem­po­rary folk duo Beg­gar’s Ride. The Fred­er­ick News Post calls Beg­gar’s Ride “among some of the best female-led vocal­ly dri­ven folk groups around.”