
TotalVo­cals is the name I have cho­sen to rep­re­sent my pas­sion for singing, the voice, and pro­vid­ing sup­port and edu­ca­tion. I am a singer and autho­rized CVT teacher and I work with Com­plete Vocal Tech­nique (CVT), a ground­break­ing voice train­ing method devel­oped by Cathrine Sadolin, founder of the Com­plete Vocal Insti­tute in Denmark.

Who can ben­e­fit from CVT voice training?

  • All singers or pro­fes­sion­al speakers.
  • Begin­ners, semi-pro­fes­sion­als, pro­fes­sion­als, regard­less of style
  • Any­one singing or speak­ing with non-med­ical voice problems.
  • Any­one inter­est­ed in CVT such as edu­ca­tors, pro­duc­ers, musi­cians, etc.

On this site you will find infor­ma­tion about my ser­vices, Com­plete Vocal Tech­nique (CVT), inter­est­ing tips, news, and information.

Please con­sid­er sign­ing up for my quar­ter­ly newsletter!