About CVT

Com­plete Vocal Tech­nique (CVT) is a pio­neer­ing and inno­v­a­tive approach to vocal tech­nique. It is wide­ly known in Europe and uti­lized by pro­fes­sion­al singers, singing teach­ers, and actors. The tech­niques can be used in all styles of singing, and are high­ly use­ful for any­one inter­est­ed in the voice —from pro­fes­sion­als to beginners.

Dur­ing 25 years of inten­sive research across all vocal styles, Cathrine Sadolin (founder of the Com­plete Vocal Insti­tute in Den­mark) has inspired inno­v­a­tive think­ing with­in the field and devel­oped tech­niques for all styles of singing. In her lat­est research study she coop­er­at­ed with Dr. Julian McGlashan at Queens Med­ical Cen­ter, Not­ting­ham (UK). Com­plete Vocal Tech­nique con­scious­ly avoids judge­ment on sound or taste, and is a riot against old myths: Every­body can learn to sing – the so-called “tone deaf” does not exist – and it is pos­si­ble to pro­duce ALL sounds in a healthy manner.

In Com­plete Vocal Tech­nique the tech­niques are divid­ed into four main subjects:

  • THE THREE OVERALL PRINCIPLES (sup­port, nec­es­sary twang, avoid pro­trud­ing the jaw and tight­en­ing the lips)
     — to ensure healthy sound production.
  • THE FOUR VOCAL MODES (Neu­tral, Curb­ing, Over­drive, Edge)
     — to choose the ‘gear’ you want to sing in.
     — to make the sound lighter or darker.
     — to achieve spe­cif­ic sound effects such as dis­tor­tion, creak, rat­tle, growl, grunt, screams, vocal breaks, air added to the voice, vibra­to, tech­niques for ornamentation.

Read more about the main sub­jects of Com­plete Vocal Technique.

Visu­al Chart of the four sub­jects show­ing how they build upon each other.