
The fol­low­ing work­shops are avail­able. Work­shop con­tent is flex­i­ble and can vary upon request or as it seems suitable.

Workshop A: CVT — an Overview.

  • An 1 hr intro­duc­to­ry pre­sen­ta­tion about CVT and how it applies to vocal use.
  • Find out about the three over­all prin­ci­pals, the four modes, sound­col­or, and effects.
  • $20 per per­son, min­i­mum participants

Workshop B: CVT Workshop

  • A 3 hour work­shop pre­sen­ta­tion about CVT technique
  • Learn about the three over­all prin­ci­pals, anato­my of the vocal mech­a­nism, the sup­port sys­tem, the four modes, sound col­or, and effects. Work­shop involves active par­tic­i­pa­tion, some singing. Work­shop includes time for a Q&A session.
  • Work­shop fee: $60 per person

Workshop C: CVT workshop & masterclass session

  • A 3 hour work­shop pre­sen­ta­tion about CVT tech­nique with Q&A session
  • com­bined with a 2 hour mas­ter­class session
  • indi­vid­ual mas­ter­class seg­ments are lim­it­ed and are only avail­able to those who have signed up as mas­ter­class participants
  • Work­shop fee: $90 per per­son, $20 extra fee for mas­ter­class participants

Inter­est­ed in host­ing a work­shop? Please down­load work­shop details & guide­lines here